DYCP: First Steps
DYCP has given me an opportunity to think big…
To be curious how I can build a sustainable creative practice.
A practice that brings together my artistic and producing experience, underpinned by these joint ways of thinking and seeing, with a view to establishing a rurally based creative company.
Since November, I’ve been reaching out to people to open up conversations on all these topics, booking trips to some inspirational UK print fairs and doing a lot of work behind the scenes to manage this Arts Council England funded professional development opportunity.
I’m grateful for people’s generosity in sharing their time and knowledge with me and for people’s interest in my ideas and thoughts.
I’m also thankful for nearly a decade working in an action research programme through Creative People and Places! It’s been such a similar approach; the constant cycle of planning, doing, reflecting, and adapting.
Whilst I’ve only taken the first few steps on a year-long journey, reflecting on what I’ve learnt so far has been a reminder of how much I’ve relied on my producing skills to achieve my creative ambitions.
In my next newsletter, I’ll be sharing more about the tools I’ve created to manage my DYCP grant. Look out for templates to manage time and money, ways to aid reflection & tools to keep you moving forward towards your goals when working solo.