Creative Producer: PlaceLab Weardale & Shildon

Northern Heartlands (current)

I oversee the development of Place Labs* with communities and artists in Weardale & Shildon, County Durham as freelance Creative Producer (September 2024 - March 2025).

I am responsible for programming creative interventions that explore approaches to developing creativity with and for people living Weardale and Shildon, developing (new) partnerships and collaborating with stakeholders. Working with PlaceLab: Weardale & Shildon lead - Northern Heartlands - I commission and contract creative practitioners to deliver and co-create activity with community participants, support networking and professional development opportunities, and foster relationaships between creatives and residents. I lead on monitoring & evaluation, support reporting to ACE & UKSPF and work closely with freelance Project Coordinator to realise the programme.

*Place Lab is part of Into the Light, County Durham’s Place Partnership Programme funded by Arts Council England (ACE) and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) through Durham County Council The mission of Place Lab is to use the power of culture and creativity to catalyse change at a local level.


Creative Producer: TimbaDashTheatre (current)